Asthma is a medical condition that affects the airways and the lungs and is mostly seen in children. It is a long-term condition in children but can also be spotted in adults. The causes of asthma differ from person to person. Although there are many potential causes of asthma, we are aware that genetic, environmental, and occupational variables have been connected to its occurrence.

The consistent part about asthma is that when the airways get triggered, they become inflamed, thin, and then the mucus fills in. You are most likely to have asthma attacks as well but that happens only when the airways are triggered in some way.

Asthma Symptoms And Signs

Symptoms of Asthma include:

● Wheezing
● Breathlessness.
● Chest tightness
● Coughing early morning or at night
● Colds lasting for more than 10 days

Symptoms Of Asthma

In Adults The symptoms would be the same in adults which will include wheezing, chest tightness and chest pain, coughing, and having trouble catching a breath when doing tiring physical activities.

Asthma Triggers


Asthma can be triggered by any kind of substance that induces allergies which are known as allergens. Most of the time these allergies are triggered by inhaling any of these toxins which cause allergic reactions that could trigger asthma symptoms. The most common type of allergens which could trigger allergies leading to asthma symptoms is pollen, dust mites, cockroach droppings, rodents, and allergens from animals.

Pollutants in the air

Day-to-day pollutants from the air such as dust particles, intense emissions and smells, smoke, and other kinds of chemicals in the air could trigger asthma. Being exposed to smoke from tobacco or marijuana is another trigger.


Usually, dry air, chilly atmosphere, or unexpected shifts in the environment or temperature might trigger an asthma attack.

Experiencing and expressing intense feelings

Whenever a person experiences intense feelings such as anger, excitement, and fear a person’s breathing changes accordingly. It is the same with expressing those feelings by laughing, yelling or crying, but experiencing or expressing these emotions may trigger the condition.


There are some medications that are asthma triggers and you have to ensure to be careful when taking these medications. You can talk to your healthcare provider about these medications by explaining your asthma triggers so that you can make changes to any of the medications accordingly.

Food additives and other food

It is always important to be careful with your food choices because food allergies could be life-threatening at times. These foods or food supplements could trigger asthma with other symptoms included too. Some of these foods are peanuts, egg, soy, fish, cow’s milk, fresh fruits, shellfish, salads, tree nuts, and wheat.

When it comes to food additives, particularly sulfite additives, such as sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and sodium sulfite, which are frequently used in food storage or manufacturing, might cause asthma to break out.

Causes Of Asthma

One of the most common causes of asthma is that it comes from genes and runs in the family. A blood related person to you having allergies or hay fever could still increase your chances of being diagnosed with asthma later on. Another one of the major causes of asthma is childhood allergies and having a lot of childhood allergies makes it much more likely for the child to have asthma compared to other children.

A child is more likely to develop asthma if they were born before 37 weeks, which means being born prematurely because it means that the lungs are not much developed and the baby is more prone to medical conditions due to weak immunity.

It would be a definite thing if a ventilator was used for the baby to help in breathing. One of the other causes of asthma is babies being born with a low birth weight as well. Similar to asthma, bronchiolitis is a virus-based condition that results in the swelling of the lungs and airways, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma can develop if bronchiolitis occurs often

What Is The Difference Between An Asthma Cause And a Trigger?

The underlying issues that lead to developing asthma are referred to as the causes of asthma. The situations that set off or increase the risk of an asthma attack are referred to as triggers. You can better control it by being aware of its causes and triggers.

Asthma Treatment

Asthma treatment is done through consulting a doctor because not everyone would be prescribed the same medicine as it depends on the causes or triggers. Some of the medicines are taken as pills while others are taken by breathing them in.

There are two types of medicine which are quick relief and long-term control. Whenever you experience an asthma attack, quick-relief medicines are taken to control the symptoms of an asthma attack. Long-term medications are taken to control your asthma attacks which will help you to have much lesser and slight attacks but does not help you when you experience one.

You need to talk to a healthcare professional and talk about these symptoms and your medication should be provided only after properly understanding your symptoms, asthma triggers, and the specific causes of asthma for you. You can always talk to a healthcare professional through ValleyRidge pharmacy and get your medication prescribed today.

Visit ValleyRidge Pharmacy’s website today to learn more about their services.